[Press Release]
Renowned drummer Stanton Moore is pleased to announce the release of his long-awaited signature Titanium snare drum. Stanton is set to unveil the drum at this year’s Winter NAMM show in Anaheim, CA.
“The whole idea started about 6 or 7 seven years ago when I met drumsmith Ronn Dunnett for the first time and started to become familiar with his incredible drums.” said Moore. “I saw some of his titanium drums and I was intrigued. He explained the sound characteristics of titanium and I became very interested in the sonic possibilities. I asked Ronn if he could make one as a 4″ x 14”. His reply was something along the lines of ‘I’ll give it a shot.’ A few months later Ronn presented me with the 1st prototype. Immediately fell in love with the drum—its sound, its tone and its feel. As I was playing to larger rooms with Galactic, I needed a drum that would be sensitive and buttery enough for the intricate buzz roll work that I do with some of the New Orleans second line grooves, but would also cut through a loud funk band when I smacked a back beat. This drum had what I was looking for. Over the years Ronn and I experimented with various depths (the drum is now 4.5″ in depth), thickness of the shell, depth of the snare bed, lugs, strainers, snare wires, rims, claws and other details, but more than anything we agonized over the badge. Finally over lunch one day I showed Ronn an image of the New Orleans water meter cover (not sewer or man-hole, but water meter!). The New Orleans water meter cover is one of the most beloved and iconic images in New Orleans culture. We were very excited with the idea of modifying the meter cover into the badge for my snare and ultimately I feel like the badge pays homage to the city that my fellow citizens and I are fighting to protect and rebuild.” Although Moore is a Gretsch endorser, he received the company’s blessing for his drum as Gretsch has no plans to offer a Titanium snare drum. “My intentions are to maintain my great working relationship with Gretsch while making this particular snare drum available to the public so other drummers can enjoy this drum as much as I have.”
The aesthetics of Stanton’s drum were inspired by a 20s era snare drum that was given to him by his friend and mentor Johnny Vidacovich. Unfortunately that drum was stolen. “It was 4″ x 14″ with tube lugs and single flange hoops and claws. I always dug the look and feel of that drum. In deciding on the look of my drum I kept recalling the drum that Johnny had given me. I thought it would be cool to incorporate the metal hoop and claw look of an older drum with the modern titanium shell. I’m always trying to blend the old with the new…to modernize tradition. Everywhere I play this drum, drummers, engineers, producers and fans of music alike approach me and ask me ‘what is that drum?’ I feel Ronn and I have created a drum that is special and deserves to be out in the market. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have.”
The Stanton Moore Spirit of New Orleans Titanium snare drum features a polished titanium shell, beautifully minted badge in antique pewter finish, traditional brass tube lugs, Single flange hoops with clips or regular triple flange hoops, the Dunnett R2 snare throw off system with keyless snare wire release, Dunnett Hypervent! adjustable air vent, and Puresound Metrix 20 strand snare wires. The drum will be distributed exclusively through the Bosphorus cymbal company. Price TBA.

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