Now this is fuckin’ cool. Albanian artist Anri Sala‘s newest exhibit combines the two things we love most: drums and James Joyce. Oh, and Franz Ferdinand of course. Three things, then.
When you enter Sala’s exhibit, called Ulysses after Joyce’s great novel, you’ll hear the melody of a new song by Franz Ferdinand, also cleverly called Ulysses. Visitors are then led downstairs, given a “score” (i.e., a set of verbal instructions like “bootless” and “lickitup” and”rolywholyover”), and invited to sit at a kit and create the tune’s drum part. The catch is that you have to remember the song’s melody…and follow that verbal score for hints. Every visitor’s effort is recorded, and if you’re lucky, you’ll end up on a CD release of the project that’s scheduled to drop before the Glasgow lads’ official disc.
Finally. A place for performance-art, Franz-fanatic, Joycean drummers to call their own. The world is complete.