Decapitated’s Drummer Dies From Head Injuries

Death metal got a whole lot deader this past Friday (November 2). Witold “Vitek” Kieltyka, skin slayer for the Polish band Decapitated, died from injuries sustained to (ironically enough) his head when the group’s tour bus crashed. Dude was only 23 years old. Rumors are circulating that the band’s bus driver was at fault.

Apparent moral of the story: employ mutherfucking drivers who can mutherfucking drive.

Blabbermouth has an exclamatory eulogy from Meshuggah’s Tomas Haake:

The metal community has lost one of the most talented and skillful drummers of our time! I remember when I first heard DECAPITATED‘s ‘Organic Hallucinosis’ and it just blew me away! What a band and WHAT A DRUMMER!!! Vitek was a true talent and drummer genius and his passing is just so very, very wrong! The future will be a sadder place without your drumming!!! Our thoughts go out to the band and to their families in this sad, sad moment. Rest in peace, Vitek.

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