Rock Band Pedal Lawsuit

Everyone knows that the pedals on gaming drum kits suck severe ass in terms of playability, but one dude has filed a class action lawsuit claiming that the Rock Band stompers are shoddily made and “deprive [customers] of the value and enjoyment of their purchases.” Harmonix and MTV, the producers of the game, have released the following statement in response to the suit:

Harmonix and MTV Games are dedicated to consumers having an outstanding experience with our products. When used as directed, our drum pedals are designed to provide years of enjoyment. In addition, at the launch of Rock Band we offered consumers an extended opportunity return defective or broken hardware for any reason whatsoever—no questions asked. This litigation is opportunistic and baseless.

While our experience with Rock Band has been generally positive, we definitely think the pedal is on the worrisome side of fragile. Have you had any problems? Let us know in the comments.

2 responses to “Rock Band Pedal Lawsuit”

  1. “all-metal kick pedal.”

  2. Jay Hoffman Avatar
    Jay Hoffman

    While the Rock Band equipment is fun to play, the drum pedal lasted about 8 months and that wasn’t playing everyday or being wild with the equipment. It just isn’t made properly for the stresses that are placed on it. Maybe they figureed that only little kids would be playing thier game, but it transcends age and gender so should have been made to take the stress from all groups playing it. Cheap.

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