Tag: Tommy Lee

  • Tommy Lee Turned 60 This Month

    It seems absolutely gobsmacking unfathomable that Tommy Lee is 60 years old now (wait, that means I’ve been listening to Crüe tunes for….39 years?), but there is legit photographic documentation of the birthday celebration straight from Tommy’s Instagram.

    The festivities allegedly took place in Punta Mita, Mexico, but there must have been a stopover at the Fountain of Youth because Tommy does not look old enough to nearly be a pensioner.

    Need more explicit photo evidence? Then you’ll prob have to throw down the 20 bucks a month for the dude’s OnlyFans account.

  • Want to Meet Tommy Lee Backstage?

    You just got to get a little bit naked:

    You must remove one article of clothing—your pants, your top—or else you are not allowed in my dressing room. That gets the fucking party started so quick. Everyone’s walking around topless.

    Does that go for dudes too?

    [via Hard Rock Hideout]

  • Tommy Lee’s New Year’s Eve Bisou

    In case you were worried that Tommy Lee wouldn’t have anyone to kiss on New Year’s, breathe easy. He and Pamela Anderson are spending the evening together in Montreal. In Pam’s own words, “How romantic.”

  • Tommy Lee Working on Mayhem?

    Rumor has it that Tommy Lee is recording a new Methods of Mayhem disc, and we’re pretty friggin’ excited. Even if you don’t dig MOM’s rap-metalish vibe, you gotta as a drummer love Lee’s beats and rhythms. Check out a couple below from the group’s first album.

  • Nine Minutes With Tommy Lee

    RockPages.gr just scored a nine-minute telephone interview with Tommy Lee. It’s fairly staid stuff, but Tommy’s thoughts on New Tattoo, the Motley album that was recorded with Randy Castillo on drums, are pretty amusing:

    Man, that record sucks! [laughs] I might as well have not listened to it at all, at least all of it…I have listened to some of the songs on it and they are absolutely crap! Nikki took some demos of ours from the past, like “Hell On High Heels” that didn’t make it on the Dr. Feelgood album, and put them in there….[it was at that point that Tommy Lee’s assistant asked us politely to end the interview]

  • Tommy and Pam Are Back Together

    Rolling Stone reported yesterday that drummer Lee and bombshell Anderson are giving it another go. Tommy said to the magazine:

    Pamela and the kids have moved in with me….It’s awesome, man. It’s definitely working. You can tell on the kids’ faces—they’re happy when we’re together.

    Whoa, first a Motley reunion and now Pam. Think there’s any hope for Paiste cymbals to wriggle their way back into his heart?

  • Tommy Lee Gets a Tattoo

    No big shock there, eh? But this particular Tommy tattooing actually is something special. It’s the first to be done aboard a jet traveling at 40,000 feet. Star artist Mario Barth did the work, and the Guinness Book of World Records was on hand to document the high-altitude inking. No word (or pic) yet on what the new tat looks like or where it is…but given that Tommy doesn’t have much bare skin to work with, we’re hoping the location is fairly scandalous.

  • Tommy Lee Makes Up With the Crue

    Hey, let’s hear it for maturity. The latest lawsuit between the Crue guys has been resolved without the usual bout of fisticuffs.

    Last year, three-quarters of the band brought a $20 million case against Tommy Lee, accusing our favorite sex-filmed drummer of focusing on his own career over that of the collective Crue (remember Tommy Lee Goes to College?). Now…it looks like all is forgiven. And though settlement terms have not yet been disclosed, there don’t appear to be any hard feelings.

    The whole band is currently in the studio making a new album and, if this quote from Nikki Sixx is any indication, probably getting lots of complimentary blow jobs:

    I fucking love this new Motley Crue album….Tommy’s kickin ass, Vince sounds insane and Mars is shredding on guitars. It doesn’t feel like one song is better or worse than any other.

  • Tommy Lee on Film

    This time, though, he’ll be off camera and (probably) dressed. Lee’s going to narrate a documentary, Dear Jack, about Andrew McMahon’s battle with cancer. McMahon is the vocalist/pianist for the band Something Corporate and his solo project Jack’s Mannequin. He was diagnosed with leukemia in 2005. Check out a preview of the movie here.

  • Tommy Lee’s New Project

    The New Year is off to a good start ’cause Tommy Lee is finally putting out some new music.  It’s an electronica project called WTF? Check out the tracks on the group’s Myspace page. As always, we are down for listening to whatever Tommy is putting out, whether he’s fronting a band and playing guitar or manning the turntables, but we can’t wait to see him play some drums again soon too.

  • Motley Crue Drummer Nikki Sixx?

    Nikki Sixx? A little freakin’ fact checking goes a long way.

    (…I know that one day, probably very soon, I’m going to regret having mentioned that.)

    The Indian site newkerala.com is reporting that “drummer Nikki Sixx” has written about his heroin addiction in a new book.

    Now, I know these dudes are in India, and verifying the drug adventures of aged rock stars is probably low on their list of life concerns (what with all the rioting and rigged elections and stolen nukes), but if a drummer like Tommy Lee, the man with one of the biggest back beats and largest cocks in rock, can’t get his name correctly mentioned in a e-rag published half way around the world, what hope do any of us wee bashers have for, well, anything at all?

    And now somebody will have to tell this poor guy not to Halloween in India.